Emma Watson Reacts to Rumors She's Dating Prince Harry

We were all really hoping a recent rumor claiming Emma Watson was dating Prince Harry was true, but the Harry Potter star set the record straight on her alleged love connection.

Woman's Day alleged that Prince Harry and Emma Watson were "having secret dates."

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The news source (which is the same publication responsible for this epic Kate Middleton Photoshop fail) claimed that His Royal Hotness, 30, enlisted the help of friends to help set him up with the 24-year-old actress after she split from her British rugby player boyfriend, Matthew Janney, this past year.

"WORLD Remember that little talk we had about not believing everything written in the media?!," Watson responded to the rumor on Sunday. "Also..... marrying a Prince not a prerequisite for being a Princess."

The actress attached a YouTube video to her tweet titled: "All Girls are Princesses."

While the rumor doesn't appear to be true, here's why we'd love these two to become a British power couple.

1. Emma already has a royal connection: In 2014, Watson met Prince William at a dinner he hosted to celebrate the work of The Royal Marsden Hospital.

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2. Disney Princess: She's taking on a princess role in Beauty and the Beast, so why not be a real-life one as well?!

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3. Because it'd be awesome! We're happy for you, Grace Kelly, but Emma would be the best actress-turned-princess of all time! Not to mention, 20 years from now the buzz around their made-for-TV love story could break the Internet or whatever kids will be using then.

4. Because we'd get reactions like this:

Do you think Prince Harry and Watson would make a cute couple?

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