VIDEO: 14-Year-Old Sukanya Roy Spells ‘Cymotrichous’

Today John Edwards got indicted, Jack Kevorkian passed away and Blake and Leo are chilling on another love boat in Venice, Italy. Amid all this NEWS, we can't get over the gripping distraction that is this clip of National Spelling Bee champ Sukanya Roy winning by a "cymotrichous":

It's fun to watch Roy, 14, visualize the word in her mind, spell it with her fingers and then realize she won the $40,000 prize. Oh, and the judge's Bon Jovi reference is priceless in pretentious context -- especially since cymotrichous (which we'd never heard or read in our lives before this) means something that relates to wavy hair. Turns out, Roy actually knew the word anyway -- from studying the good old dictionary.