An Imaginary Conversation Between Rooney Mara and Calvin Klein

The Famous hid behind a diamond-encrusted bush at the 8th Annual CFDA/Vogue Fashion Fund Awards in New York, and tape-recorded this awkward moment (no we didn't):

Calvin Klein: My publicist tells me I should take a picture with you and that you're the girl from "Dragon Tattoo." You were excellent in the film.

Rooney Mara: Oh, have you seen it?

Klein: No.

Mara: Oh. [Looks around for publicist.]

Klein: What do you think of my tan? Too "sprayed-on"? Too Snooki? I was going for the "just got back from vacation on Spielberg's yacht in the Mediterranean" effect but the spray tan lady made me too orange, I think. I love this Goth thing you're doing. Very "Twilight." Or "Dragon Tattoo," I should say. Har har. [Suddenly distracted.] Is that Gayle King? Ooh I wonder if Oprah's coming ...

Mara: I'm going to, uh, get another drink.

Klein: [Air kiss.] Thanks for the photo op. Again, you were great in "Dragon Tattoo." Tell Robert Patterson I said hello.

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