Rebecca and Jerry’s Double Trouble

As usual, Rebecca Romijn and Jerry O'Connell had their hands full -- literally -- with their twin girls Dolly and Charlie on Saturday. The celeb couple was spotted toting their 2-year-old tots out of an L.A.-area indoor playground, and while Dolly seemed perfectly content to head home in the arms of her dad (who was carting a few spare diapers in his back pocket just in case!), Charlie made it clear she wanted to stay and play a little longer ... by wailing on the way out.

As Rebecca and Jerry know well by now, the occasional tantrum comes with the territory ... and they make sure not to sweat the small stuff. "I think [having twins] turns you into a little bit more of a relaxed parent," Romijn told Scholastic Parent & Child magazine in December. "You only have two arms -- sometimes you have to let one cry it out because the other needs your undivided attention."

While the family of four is often spotted around town all together, the couple also tries to make sure the kiddies get some special one-on-one time with them as well.

"Jerry and I do each other a favor by taking one alone from time to time," Romijn continued. "That's important because twins are individuals, and they want to be recognized as such. It's funny how after a few hours with just one we say, 'Having one kid is easy!'"

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