Snooki and JWoww: The New ‘Laverne and Shirley’?

The brilliance of "Jersey Shore" has always been the craziness that ensues when eight wild personalities come together to act, well, ridiculous. So even though I've been a fan of the reality show from the start, I just couldn't get excited about the announcement that MTV plans to air two spin-offs in 2012: one following Pauly D's deejay career (boring!) and another focusing on Snooki and JWoww's misadventures while living together. They just won't be the same without everyone, although I must say I'm really glad that Sam and Ronnie aren't involved!

At least the girls' show has the potential to be funny. Judging from their behavior on "Jersey Shore" (remember when JWoww relieved herself behind the bar and Snooki put on a plastic bag to clean the infamous "Smush Room"?), viewers can expect plenty of wacky moments. MTV Executive Vice President of Programming Chris Linn even described the two to as a reality version of "Laverne and Shirley." "Snooki is ready to leave home, Jenni's no longer with Tom, so this will be the two of them moving in together, into a house, and pursuing their careers and relationships," he explained. "Wherever they go, chaos and good times follow."

But will viewers? After all, what's Snooki's pouting without having The Situation there teasing her like a big brother? What's JWoww's in-your-face attitude without having Sammi around to slug it out?

The audience just might be reaching "Jersey Shore" overload, especially when it comes to watching the gang do things we've seen them do so many times before. Whether Snooki and JWoww turn out to be the comedy queens of today or not, I'll be watching when the entire cast goes to Italy for Season 4!

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