Lady Gaga: ‘I’m Not Going Anywhere’

We always knew Lady Gaga was a little eccentric -- the refusal to wear pants, the outrageous outfits, the pod she was "birthed" from at the Grammy Awards... But in a new interview with Harper's Bazaar, Gaga takes things one step further into her own personal fantasy land, claiming that the protruding prosthetics that are part of her latest "look" are actually her real bones, and that the late Alexander McQueen is working through her from beyond the grave.

First off, let's tackle the thorny issue of the new bumps that the "Born This Way" singer has been sporting lately. When questioned by Harper's Bazaar about how long it takes to attach the bony prosthetics to her shoulders, cheekbones, and temples, Gaga replies with a conversation stopper: "They're not prosthetics. They're my bones," adding, "They've always been inside of me, but I have been waiting for the right time to reveal to the universe who I truly am." OK...

Acknowledging that her new look is a performance-art piece, Gaga continues, "I have never, ever encouraged my fans or anyone to harm themselves, nor do I romanticize masochism. Body modification is part of the overarching analysis of 'Born This Way.' I have never had plastic surgery, and there are many pop singers who have. I think that promoting insecurity in the form of plastic surgery is infinitely more harmful than an artistic expression related to body modification."

Check Out More Photos From Gaga's Cover Shoot

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Just when she's starting to make a little sense -- she did twist a conversation that started off sounding like she should be placed in a padded room into an empowering speech about embracing who you are -- the artist dives off the deep end again with a theory about one of her favorite designers, Alexander McQueen, who tragically committed suicide in February 2010. Gaga claims that after he passed, McQueen began working through her. "I think he planned the whole thing. Right after he died, I wrote 'Born This Way.' I think he's up in heaven with fashion strings in his hands, marionetting away, planning this whole thing." When her music label moved the release date for the single to the anniversary of McQueen's death, Gaga was convinced. "When I heard that, I knew he planned the whole damn thing. I didn't even write the f---ing song. He did!"

Haircuts That Make You Look Younger

Communing with the dearly departed and body bumps aside, Lady Gaga is powerful enough these days that people will listen, no matter what she says -- and even her forays into crazy talk do somehow seem to make sense most of the time. According to Forbes, the 25-year-old earns upwards of $62 million a year, and instead of investing in a giant McMansion in Hollywood, Gaga chooses to spend her dollars on her art and her friends. "I spend my money on my props and my creations. I'm an inventor," says the Lady. "The true luxury of my success is that I can do it all on my own terms now. I don't want to make money; I want to make a difference."

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Is the artist formerly known as Joanne Angelina Germanotta worried that the world will one day get a major case of Gaga-fatigue? Nope. "You can quote me on this: People love you when they think you won't be around for very long, and people hate you when they can't get rid of you. But I'm not going anywhere."

Read More of Lady Gaga's Interview at

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