Ryan Phillippe is in Talks With Marvel

Today on the Howard Stern show, actor Ryan Phillippe talked about his future as an actor and one of the things he mentioned was that he may be getting involved in a Marvel/Netflix series.

"Marvel is interested in talking about Netflix, a series, possibly."

Phillippe goes on to talk about how he almost played Harvey Dent in a Batman film. Check out the audio below. There's some swearing ahead, so this is NSFW.

So who could he be playing? Many think that he's got the look to pull off Iron Fist. But there's more than just heroes in this world. There's also speculation that because Daredevil has already been greenlit for season two that Phillippe could be playing Bullseye.

However, if he was going to play anything in the Daredevil world, we'd put our money on The Owl aka Lee Owlsly, the son of Leland Owlsly. But seriously, he should really be playing Iron Fist. He's got the look. Someone teach him some sweet martial arts moves, stat.

We'll keep you updated as more develops.

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