Lindsay Lohan Launches Animated Mobile Role-Playing Game

Lindsay Lohan Launches Animated Mobile Role Playing Game image Lindsay Lohan Price of Fame
Lindsay Lohan Launches Animated Mobile Role Playing Game image Lindsay Lohan Price of Fame

Lindsay Lohan has launched a new mobile game called “The Price of Fame.”

The starlets new mobile offering arrives quite some time after reality TV star Kim Kardashian developed the massive hit “Kim Kardashian: Hollywood.” The Kardashian sister quickly collected $85 million of the $200 million her app earned globally during its initial release. Those numbers are likely much higher now, which explains why Lohan would try her luck at a similar subject matter.

While the titles of both games might sound like a direct rip-off — that is not the case. In Lohan’s game you simply swipe upward to get more fans. You buy upgrades to increase the rate of fans gotten passively, or per swipe.

Instead of focusing on the perks of being famous, Lindsay Lohan’s “The Price of Fame” mocks much of the “glamorous” celebrity lifestyle. Users can buy left and right butt implants, they can create sex tapes, and they can fake their own death or even go to rehab. Want an entourage? How about a “weed holder” or a “space zombie.” If you want to be really hubris, you can even buy a Lindsay Lohan clone.

Gamers will unlock more ridiculous levels as they continue to play the game.

The game might sound like some type of weird joke, when in actuality there are a ton of micro-transactions. You can double your fans with a payment for example.

The closest Lohan has come to professional gaming participation is her lawsuit against Rockstar Games for their “depiction” of her in Grand Theft Auto 5. The character shares some of Lohan’s characteristics, but that’s to say the character looks like most young Hollywoood starlets.

If you want to play on oddly amusing, sarcastic, and just plain weird mobile game, give Lindsay Lohan’s “Price of Fame” a try — you might just be strangely surprised.

This article was syndicated from Business 2 Community: Lindsay Lohan Launches Animated Mobile Role-Playing Game

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